Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sylvia Loves TV

At the beginning of the summer, I thought about canceling my cable because I’m poor. My thought was to buy a blue ray player and watch Netflix on instant watch and then watch all other tv shows online on some website that invades my computer with pop-ups that even a pop-up blocker can’t block. But then I realized that the only real enjoyment that I get out of life is watch really good tv on my high-def flat screen. My perfect weekend is staying in and watching marathons of House Hunters or mediocre movies on TNT (except when have have a whole weekend of LOTR, because they rule). Maybe I thought this because the 2009-10 tv season blew hardcore balls. Once Lost and 24 ended there was nothing to live for. Then the summer came along and gave me my usual Closer, but that's it.  Then I read on various websites that one of my favorite comic books The Walking Dead was becoming a tv show. Sure this sounded awesome, but AMC could royally fuck it up (Mad Men= quality, Rubicon= snooze fest). Then I saw the trailer. What was I thinking???? I couldn’t possibly cancel my cable with this amazing show starting on October 31!! It wouldn’t be the same watching it on my tiny laptop, the battery over heating and burning my thighs like it does every day. So I decided to keep my cable, and with the new season of tv starting this week, what better way to enjoy tv even more than to write about it! And here it starts…